The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence

Author: Richard Perkins
Photos/Videos Taken: 2021/02/17
Address: 7 Tomihisacho, Shinjuku-ku,

Koizumi Yakumo was an Irish Man who came to Japan when he was 40. Living in the Meiji era (1868-1912), he moved around Japan living in several prefectures while writing books about his experiences in Japan and his thoughts on the country. The books Koizumi Yakumo wrote about Japan still greatly impact others researching and studying Japan. One of the many houses that Koizumi Yakumo lived in was in the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo. Unfortunately, that house no longer exists. Where the house once stood is now "Seijō Gakuen", a middle school and high school.

The Meiji era was a time when Japan went through a rapid modernization. Koizumi Yakumo had unsettling feelings about this sudden and rapid change, and there’s no doubt that here too he had many thoughts and feelings about Japan as a result of this change. Just like it is today, the Tokyo that Koizumi Yakumo lived in too was most likely the area in Japan that underwent the biggest change. Because of this, the house the Koizumi Yakumo lived in here was one where he most likely did quite a lot of writing.

Outside of Seijō Gakuen is a small sign with an explanation of how Koizumi Yakumo ended up living there. There is also an explanation about some of what he enjoyed in the area, such as Jishōin, a Buddhist temple.

Inside Seijō Gakuen itself is the 舊居跡 (kyū kyo ato), or a monument to the remains of the former residence. This is most likely the exact spot in which Koizumi Yakoumo’s former house stood. Unfortunately, no one other than students or faculty at this school can enter the grounds, so you aren’t able to get up close to this monument.

The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence, Koizumi Yakumo, Former Residence, Monument, Lafcadio Hearn, Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo, Japan

The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence, Koizumi Yakumo, Former Residence, Monument, Lafcadio Hearn, Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo, Japan

The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence, Koizumi Yakumo, Former Residence, Monument, Lafcadio Hearn, Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo, Japan

The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence, Koizumi Yakumo, Former Residence, Monument, Lafcadio Hearn, Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo, Japan

The Monument of Koizumi Yakumo's Former Residence, Koizumi Yakumo, Former Residence, Monument, Lafcadio Hearn, Tokyo Metropolis, Tokyo, Japan