Privacy Policy

Below is information concerning the protection of personal information on This policy is a brief overview of how we collect data, how we use that data, and how that data may be shared.

[1. The Purpose For Collecting User Data]
We collect and analyze user data at MORIKOBOSHI to understand what types of articles and so on should be placed on this website. After compiling this data, we may share it with a third party.

[2. Questions, Comments, Or Complaints Regarding The Use of User Data]
If one has any questions, complaints, or any areas concerning the use of user data that need clarification, please feel free to contact us via email: [email protected].

[3. About The SSL (Secure Socket Layer)] uses a SSL. This is an item that encrypts the communication of internet browsers, providing a secure and private connection. Any data that a user may type into this website will also be encrypted as such.

[4. About Cookies]
A cookie refers to the data that is sent between a web server and a website. By referencing a cookie a computer is able to identify the computer of a user, enabling them to be able to access more efficiently. The data sent via the cookies on this website doesn’t provide any information that allows those at MORIKOBOSHI with information in being able to track down an individual user. If one so chooses, the cookies associated with can all be turned off in the browser settings.

[5. The Establishment Of The Privacy Policy]
Establishment: 2023/07/21

[6. Disclamer]
We at MORIKOBOSHI do what we can to ensure that all the information on this site is correct. However, we are not liable to anybody that may use this information elsewhere. No one at MORIKOBOSHI is responsible for any damages caused by a user using the information provided here, nor are responsible for any damages caused by a third party based upon a user using the information provided here.

[7. Copyright・Image Rights]
Each article, every image, and all the content on is protected via copyright and image rights. It is forbidden to use any part of this website without permission.

[8. Links]
Permission is not needed to place any link associated with on another website, etc. However, depending on the contents of a page we may ask that one doesn't place the link to that page anywhere else.